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25-27 Nov 2024 - GCCEC, Gold Coast

RTSA Railway Technical Society of Australasia

2024 Booth number: 43


Engineers Australia

Engineers Australia is the peak body for the engineering profession in Australia. The organisation was founded in 1919, as the Institution of Engineers Australia. With approximately 115,000 individual members, we are also the voice of the profession.
For more than 100 years the work of the organisation along with its members has underpinned the progress of our nation. Our mission and vision for the future is to continue to advance the science and practice of engineering to benefit the community.

Our work

Engineering plays a pivotal role in shaping society with healthy, secure, prosperous and sustainable communities. Engineers Australia performs a range of functions on behalf of the engineering profession in Australia.

  • Maintains the largest register for the engineering profession in Australia. The National Engineering Register currently includes more than 26,000 engineers.
  • Accredit Australian tertiary engineering programs to international benchmarks. These include the Sydney, Dublin and Washington Accords.
  • Advance engineering knowledge through nine discipline-based colleges and 29 specialist technical societies.
  • Speak as the voice of the profession through government, community and media advocacy.
  • Deliver ongoing professional development to the engineering profession.
  • Assess migrant skills applications on behalf of the Australian government.
  • Evaluate members for our internationally-benchmarked Chartered credentials.
  • Represent Australia in the International Engineering Alliance and develop agreements for global professional mobility.
  • Recognise and celebrate engineering excellence with prestigious individual and project awards.

The Railway Technical Society of Australasia

The Railway Technical Society of Australasia (RTSA) is a Technical Society of Engineering Australia and a Technical Group of Engineering New Zealand formed to further the interests of the railway industry at large and its individual participants.

The RTSA is a non-profit organization and was established in 1997 for the purpose of promoting the co-operation of academic, industrial, commercial and governmental organisations in relation to the practice and advancement of railway technology and management in Australasia.

The Activities of the RTSA are directed towards providing leadership for the facilitation and coordination of professionalism in the railway industry and the encouragement of member contributions to the application of railway technology and good management practices.
The objectives of the RTSA are:

  • to stimulate the active contribution and participation of its members in the development and dissemination of railway technology and management knowledge, so to support the business of the railway industry,
  • to provide for the continuing professional development of its members,
  • and to promote close working relationships amongst participants in the railway industry.

Currently there are six Chapters established under the RTSA umbrella. These include NSW Chapter (including NSW and ACT), SA Chapter (including N.T.), VIC Chapter (including Tasmania), QLD Chapter (including Overseas), Western Australia Chapter and New Zealand Chapter. All of these chapters will have programs running. The programs will not only address topical railway issues but provide the opportunity for joint meetings with other similar groups in the industry.

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